Sertek Inşaat’s human resources policy is based on the principle of “achieving the highest possible performance by placing the right people in the right job”.

Sertek Inşaat owes its sustainable success and competitive power to the experience and diversity of its employees. Sertek employees with gender and ethnical diversity and from different educational and professional backgrounds are able to easily offer different perspectives to the customers by their experience, competencies, ideas and individual characteristics.

By providing training opportunities for the employees of the company and enabling them to participate in the system consciously, the company aims to reach to contemporary quality values and customer satisfaction at every stage of production and to improve continuously. With this aim, the Human Resource Management gives special importance to the occupational training of employees and tries to create the appropriate environment for the employees to improve their competencies by their corporate experiences and to reach their career goals. Sertek Inşaat constantly invests on its personnel and aims to bring employee satisfaction to the top.